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welcome to macayle's place

“Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”

macaylemacayle — “I write books. Some are about magic. Some are about adventure. Some are about neither.

A collector and concocter of myths and legends, as well as some very real truths (though it may often be difficult to tell which is which), I have written many things on many topics. Some were not very good, and therefore not very important. What is important is my ever-increasing stack of yet-to-be-written adventures.”

Fresh off that stack is Here and Back Again, book one of an exciting four-book fantasy/adventure series. If you loved the Chronicles of Narnia, you will love the Knightswood Tales! Their rich imagery and imagination makes them the sort of stories to be enjoyed by everyone, children and adults alike.

Become a fan of The Knightswood Tales and receive the first 5 chapters of Book One, Here and Back Again, FREE!